Organizational Representative Payee Services
The Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Representative Payment Program provides assistance to the most vulnerable members of society
- the young
- the elderly
- the disabled
These members of society are often unable to successfully manage their Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits without help.
The Social Security Administration pays these people through representative payees who receive and manage payments on behalf of the beneficiaries. For a small segment of the population, traditional networks of support (ie, trusted family, friends, or neighbors) are not available, and SSA looks to state, local or community sources to fill the need. These sources are called organizational representative payees. There can be many reasons why Social Security decides someone needs a payee. Usually it is because they have information that indicated additional help is needed to successfully manage their money and meet their current needs and plan for the future needs. In that case, Social Security has carefully selected a person, or an organization, to help by being your “Representative Payee”
Payee receives your payments on your behalf and must use the money to pay for your current needs, which include:
- housing and utilities
- food
- medical and dental expenses
- clothing
- personal care items
- rehabilitation expenses (if you are disabled)
After those expenses are paid, your payee can use any remaining money to pay any past-due bills you may have, support your dependents or provide entertainment for you. If there is money left over, your payee should save it for your future needs and unexpected emergencies.
The payee must keep accurate records of your payments and how they are spent and regularly report that information to Social Security. Your payee also should share that information with you.
If you live in an institution, such as a nursing home or a hospital, the payee should pay the cost of your care and provide money for your personal needs.
In order to use our Representative Payee Services, you must be found in need by Social Security standards. Referrals by family, close friends, neighbors, social workers, or doctors, stating “why” you are unable to successful handle your own financial matters, will certainly help get you approved.
Our Rep Payee Services
Heartland Embrace Inc. provide personal service to our clients. Most of our communication is over the phone, or by email. We can meet with you in our office if an appointment is required. You can call our office and talk to a caring staff person.
We provide 2 options for clients to receive money from us. Paid weekly, or 1 time a month. That decision is discussed with you and decided based on your ability to handle your money.
A monthly budget is created for each client. We use that budget to be sure you are not spending more than you make each month. This budget is shared with you upon request. It shows you how your money is spent for you each month.
We also work with our clients to help you understand how your money is spent to help you live. We want your input to help establish short term goals for saving for things you’d like to be able to buy soon, or plan for each year if you have extra money.
You will be included in some financial decisions to the degree you are able to participate. Your input is important to helping us understand what’s important to you.
We do not provide social work type services, but we will work closely with your care team for your best interests. If you don’t have a social worker, we can direct you to services in your community to help you.
An application for our Rep Payee Services is available upon request, but you must qualify by SSA standards that you are in need of our help and there is no one else in your life that is willing to provide financial management help to you